Our Services

Frais Capital provides a tailored, insightful and educated approach to investing. Specialist advice is provided with discretion and understanding of each client’s requirements and specific needs.

Wealth Planning

Effective wealth management planning involves many stakeholders. Frais Capital supports families and individuals to continually assess their ever-changing needs.

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Bespoke Portfolio Management

Robust investment analytics provides direct and specific investment solutions for clients. Working across the full spectrum of markets and asset classes, based on specific risk and return objectives, Frais Capital establishes, manages and maintains specialised investment portfolios.

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Intergenerational Wealth Strategies

Education, planning and inclusion are core tenets to the smooth transition of family wealth. Frais Capital is well experienced in partnering with family groups to guide them through this process.

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Charities and Foundations Wealth Management

Partnering with boards, charities and investment committees, Frais Capital establishes transparent investment processes, corporate governance and performance reporting.

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Portfolio Tax Reporting

Frais Capital provides comprehensive tax reporting allowing clients to view whole of balance sheet performance reporting, including listed, unlisted, property and multi-currency assets and alternatives.

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Portfolio Administration Services

Frais Capital provides accurate and timely record keeping services. These include detailed performance reporting, mail house and portfolio administration services.

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With institutional rigour, access and analysis, Frais Capital supports clients and their investment goals. An absolute emphasis on governance and risk management.

An alignment of clients investment values and the broader impact of their investing allows clients to also consider social, ethical and environmental objectives.