Frais Capital Intern Development Program 2024

Nonprofit Investment Consulting

With a strong focus on education and leadership, the Frais Capital Intern Development Program will continue to foster and encourage the next generation of finance and business executives. Starting the year, we would like to welcome our two newest interns to the team, Jacob Luu and Lu Huang, who join us alongside our lead interns, Harry Davison Petch and Zhixuan Zhang. This program continues to develop a cohort of interns who see the benefits of the difference in learnings with Frais Capital.

In 2024, the Frais Capital Intern Development Program continues as an opportunity for students to gain a deeper understanding of areas within finance. In addition, students learn from those who have a multitude of experience in the field of finance while understanding professional careers life post university. When joining Frais Capital as a Business Program Intern, the students are often studying a varying range of majors, including commerce and actuarial studies. The University of Melbourne students have the opportunity within Frais Capital to work alongside the leading team members to understand and learn of the varying aspects of wealth management, portfolio management and advisory. Interning within an innovative boutique firm gives students access to opportunities which they may not gain within a larger firm.

Throughout the internship program, students are given real-time projects using fintech, tech and finance platforms. Additionally, students are given the opportunity to network and connect with Frais Capital partners, including MST Financial. Working directly with Siobhan Blewitt and the team at Frais Capital, students gain first-hand experience from key industry leaders throughout the finance sector. Furthermore, students gain the opportunity to gain insight from thought-leaders at conferences, seminars and various local and national events. Frais Capital also provides the opportunity to hone presentation skills with the Frais Capital Toastmasters Program, with a key focus on public speaking, presentation and upskilling the networking component of professional careers. The Internship Development Program has a focus on long-term learnings and education pieces.

Encouraging growth, leadership, respect and a forward-thinking attitude in all interns, links with the key core values of Frais Capital being communication, education and respect. The aim of Frais Capital, Siobhan and the team is to encourage education and learning. Fostering an environment of growth, for students to gain opportunities, ideas and conversations that they otherwise may not have been exposed to. We are developing the next generation of executives and future leaders.

We look forward to the continued partnership with The University of Melbourne, the Faculty of Business and Economics and the team on this program.