Partnering with the University of Melbourne, Frais Capital has developed an internship program that allows the bespoke wealth management firm experience to translate across to university.
Traditionally, interns are leading towards larger firms for portfolio advisory, wealth management and financial sector experiences and learnings. Moving towards a hybrid, agile workplace indicates that Frais Capital, while boutique, is able to guide University of Melbourne students in the world of wealth management, finance and portfolio management.
Siobhan Blewitt, Founder and CEO of Frais Capital has long been a champion of guiding those in the early stages of their careers to learn, experience and be challenged. As a Melbourne University Alum Siobhan is an advocate for educating and learning; therefore, it was a natural fit for Frais Capital to partner with the University on its programs. Siobhan has over twenty-five years’ experience in the wealth management and financial advisory sector, having begun her career as an associate at EL & C Baillieu, to founding a successful wealth management firm.
As the Honorary Advisor, Investment Committee Chair of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Siobhan is aware of the multi-faceted skill-set required by graduates and early career professionals to prosper within the financial services sector. Given this, Frais Capital is a key fit for the programs offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Melbourne. Siobhan and the team at Frais Capital are able to guide the students to create a multi-faceted skill-set approach, in real-time settings.
Internships are an opportunity for students to gain a deeper understanding of areas within finance that they may be drawn to, learn from those who have a multitude of experience in the field of finance and to also gauge an understanding of life after university in terms of the field of work as a whole. When joining Frais Capital as a Business Program Intern, the students are often studying a varying range of majors, including commerce and actuarial studies. University of Melbourne students have the opportunity within Frais Capital to work alongside the leading team members. Interning within an innovative boutique firm gives students access to opportunities which they may not gain within a larger firm.
Throughout the internship program, students are not only given real-time projects using fintech, tech and finance platforms, they are also given the opportunity to network and connect with Frais Capital partners, including MST Financial. Working directly with Siobhan and the team at Frais Capital, students gain first-hand experience from key industry leaders throughout the finance sector.
Encouraging growth, leadership, respect and a forward-thinking attitude in all interns, links with the key core values of Frais Capital being communication, education and respect. The aim of Frais Capital, Siobhan and the team is to encourage education and learning and create an environment of growth, for the students to take away opportunities, ideas and conversations that they otherwise may not have been exposed to.
Collectively, the team at Frais Capital are thrilled to have partnered with the University of Melbourne and will continue to foster the program, an opportunity for Frais Capital to continue to assist in the growth and development of early career professionals, students and graduates, the future of the finance sector.